Thursday, January 09, 2014

What a difference 6 years makes...

Nope, I haven't seen a lick of blogger in 6 long years. Last time I wrote on here, boychild #1 was 7, and boychild #2 was 4. Respectively they are now 13 and 10(in case you just don't feel like thinking about math right now). I might start posting randomly on here, and I know that blogs that post often are "successful" blogs. I'm not sure if my goal is to be "successful" with my blog. I guess it's more a special interest page, i.e. if you find me interesting, check it out. Most of what I will post here will probably be art I like, projects I might be working on, and likely a lot of beautiful pictures of interiors I longingly want to be surrounded by. And I will also likely talk about parenting or show off some of my kids' cute faces. I can't guarantee consistency or entertainment. I want to be upfront about that. I am definitely not posting to the masses, as of yet, and therefore this is just a creative outlet and not a "job" or "chore". I feel like a lot of the blogs I have been reading lately have become very successful and the authors of those sites seem to be increasingly overwhelmed by blogging and life in general. I guess that come with the many opportunities that bloggers can create from showcasing their talents, and I wish them all continued success. I have enjoyed following their exploits and voyeuristically being a small part of their lives. If you enjoy what you see here, please don't hesitate to say hello, leave a comment, etc. I'd love to hear from you, even those quiet ones. And if you want a laugh, flip through those old posts, I might delete them in the future, but they are pretty strange for me to read today, versus ^ years ago, don't you agree? Here is to a successful new year, and I will wrap up with a picture of my 2 minions. Our 2013 Holiday photo...

Friday, August 22, 2008


millions of drops in the pool of existence.....

(i have lost myself)

can i find the way home?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

let's pretend!

we'll just skip the whole incident with my lack of posting last week. what can i say, i am the occasional slacker...
for those of you who are keeping tabs, last post project search key was "wacky circumference" because that was my favorite prototype name of the hula hoop from the hudsucker proxy, brilliant movie by the way...

so anyways, here are this week's images.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

what a crap day...

ok, so today was essentially my monday, i had yesterday off. so, i've been a bit sleep deprived as of late, i have become something i wasn't not so long ago, but that's another story. anyways, i arrived at work this morning to an ivp exam, my least favorite exam. it requires iv injection, and i'm kind of a freak about injecting other people, even though i do it rather well, and with finesse(i pretty much pretend i know what i'm doing, ha). well, after i inject my patient, he starts telling me he's numb in the chest, which could fall into the category of anaphylactic shock, which is no good. i decide to kind of laugh it off, and observe, he ended up being fine, but still, numbness is never a side effect you want to hear about after injection. as the day progressed, we got busier and busier. i am the resident iced tea maker at work and we ran out of both sweetener and tea today, bastards! tea has been essential in my bid to quit the coke. as if the day weren't going bad enough, a co-worker of mine decides she's gonna run the oven self-clean during business hours, it sets off the alarm in the entire building and the whole facility has to be evacuated for the smoking oven. we are talking about surgical suites here people, a man was having eye surgery and had to be evacuated! poor guy could hardly walk down the stairs. then i receive a cll from the ex's workplace saying they have my kid, somehow the bus dropped him off there, and the ex is nowhere to be found. wtf? so, i go to pick him up after work, and the ex is there, gives me the kids and tells me that no. 2's arm is kinda swollen. umm, yeah, to about twice the size of normal, and his ear looks like it's about to explode too, so no. 2's er visit number 47 is in order. why can he not pick a kid up, why can he not take the kid to the doctor before it looks like an appendage will need amputation. is it really that hard people? and to top it off, my bloody valentine showed up today for her visit....

Monday, July 02, 2007

sunday project no.3

just so you know where i am finding these images, i have been typing in a keyword in google and hitting images. i'm interested to see if anyone comes up with the keyword in their first thought. last week's keyword was "clouds"

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

making an effort...

in an effort to try and post more often, i am finding pressure within myself to post things that aren't totally random, or that have some sort of meaning. i find it odd that a small goal i have set for myself has turned into something that causes me mild anxiety, how quirky?

in another effort to do different things this summer, i pulled my bike out from the depths of toby's lair and took it in to have it 'cleaned up' a bit. the guy at the bike service counter had that funny look on his face like a mechanic does when he has no idea what's wrong with your car, or you just drove a car that's entirely on fire into the garage to have it worked on. THAT was the look he had. as he was going through all the charges they may or may not have to do to the bike, i thought after the 15th thing he said he was just gonna break down and say something along the lines of 'seriously, just buy a new bike', but he said mine was definitely worth keeping, and it was gonna look gooood when they're done with it. so if any of you slackers out there wanna trail it up out here on the mean streets of south central OP, come on over. oh yeah, and the pool's open for summer! the water's fine....